Mythbusting the Charity Governance CodeThe Charity Governance Code has been around for years. Over that time, certain myths have emerged about the Code and how it is (or should…Jul 22, 2024Jul 22, 2024
Tough times ahead: How the Charity Governance Code can helpThere has been no shortage of headlines about the pressures currently facing the charity sector. But how should those steering charitable…Feb 15, 2023Feb 15, 2023
New Chair, new challengesIt’s been an honour for me to take up chairing the Charity Governance Code Steering Group, drawing on the sterling efforts and wisdom of…Jul 25, 2022Jul 25, 2022
Press release: 28 January 2022, for immediate useNew chair of the Charity Governance Code announcedJan 28, 2022Jan 28, 2022
Equality, diversity and inclusion IS good governanceOver the last six months, we have worked with the Charity Governance Code steering group to create a revised Equality, Diversity and…May 7, 2021May 7, 2021
Creating a vision for changeMajor social and political events over the past decade, and in particular over the last year, have shone a spotlight on questions of…Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020
Overall changes to the Charity Governance CodeToday, we’re publishing an updated edition of the Charity Governance Code, a practical tool to help charities and their trustees develop…Dec 8, 2020Dec 8, 2020
Refreshing the Charity Governance Code — what the consultation told usWhile the 2017 edition of the Charity Governance Code Code’s had been well-received, we knew that, approaching three years on, certain…Aug 12, 2020Aug 12, 2020
Where does governance start and end?The Charity Governance Code states that ‘Good governance in charities is fundamental to their success. It enables and supports a charity’s…Feb 18, 2020Feb 18, 2020
The Charity Governance Code and the world of small charitiesGood Governance requires more than an ability to follow the rules, it requires the will and resources to invest in your organisation. For…Feb 11, 2020Feb 11, 2020